dont be caught in the headlights (a cheatin repost from july 30)
weather... its the first thing we talk about after the weekend, and its the first thing we talk about before the next weekend. when did 'the weather' become the topic du jour?
sometimes talking about the weather can be alot like watching porn - its not (necessarily) something that you like to do, but inevitably you find yourself doing it more than you would care to admit.
in chicago, talking about the weather can be a bit of a faux pa (especially if youve been having a summer like we've been having). this summer has been high 70's - low 80's practically right up until this weekend - perfect weather for going out (flip flops, jeans and a t-shirt).
its perfect weather, but its NOT genuine 'summer in chicago' type of weather. it's not the kind of weather that makes you want to tear off your clothes and head down to north avenue beach. it's not the kind of weather that makes you want to flock to weekend streetfests in droves. it's not the kind of weather that makes you want to sit on a patio bar discussing barack obama's ascent into the national spotlight. granted we still do these things, but its just not the same.
dont get me wrong, i dont miss the sweat dripping down my back, the wall of hot air that seems to hang over the city (in defiance of our city's namesake**), or the 200% jump in my electricity bill. but having said all of that, it just hasnt been a real chicago summer. hell! i didnt even put in my air conditioner this year!
thus as we cross over into august, its inevitable that chicagoans begin to ponder the imminent pitter patter of falling leaves, the donning of jackets (socks and shoes), and whether or not the cubbies will secure a spot in the playoffs.
fall is just around the corner.
with a summer like the one we've been having, and our unreasonable fascination with discussions about the weather, it should be natural for people to talk about summers inevitable transition to fall - it should be natural for people to talk about chicago's jump from from humid 90's to crisp 60's faster than you can say 'the cubbies curse'.
nope. this topic is off limits.
despite our inane propensity to talk about the weather, nobody wants to admit that our summer weather is going to end... its going to end very soon.
our entire city is in denial.
because as much as we love summer for the parties, the drinks, and the clothes (or lack thereof), we also love it for its significance. because summer in chicago is the season for singles.
here in chicago we 20somethings operate on 4 very well-defined seasons. as ive previously mentioned, summer is the season for singles. to most this would seem self evident. but follow this thought all the way through: summertime is bliss. its a time for going out and having fun. its a time to meet new people, make new friends, play new sports, find new bars. it is an entire year of socialization crammed into 3 months. its good to be single during the summer, because there are opportunities EVERYWHERE.
Even though summer in chicago is short, people begin to burn out as fall sweeps in. too much new, too much fun. and more importantly its getting too fucking cold out! which translates into the next chicago season - the season of settling (otherwise known as fall). sure there was plenty of time for hooking up and mixing it up during the summer, but as fall wraps its arms around our fair city, these encounters tend to gather more and more emphasis. winter is looming and everyone is getting ready to hunker down. as a result, world-renowned 'playas' quickly become serial monogamists faster than the cubbies can say 'there is always next year'. its time to stop playing the field, and grab (and hold on to) the best option that you have (or had). chicago winters are long and cold (not as cold as minnesota, but they have a different social system) and its always better to have a warm body to snuggle with.
this seasonal transition often leads to some very funny occurences (if you're into people watching). those of us who have been around for a while, know that there is a game to be played, and how to play it. but there is always a couple uninformed people who just dont get the memo. usually these people are new to the city -or- (even worse) they know the game, but have become too enthralled with it. they're almost like a deer in the headlights; they know they should be chasing some cute fawn (or buck), but instead they end up standing in the middle of a highway waiting for a semi to make them a hood ornament. these are the people who arrive at their favorite summer bar, and wonder where everyone went...
as this transition period progresses, and people pair off for winter, less and less quality options are available to choose from. as things wind down, you will inevitably find pockets of 20somethings who are obviously very hot, but who are also obviously settling for some serious sloppy scraps. like i said, it gets REAL cold during the winter.
for those of us who are ugly, this is our chance to shine. ha!
winter is cold - hibernate. its time to grab hold of your nipples, sit in your cave and fatten up. hopefully youve chosen wisely, because you're gonna be stuck with that person for a long time. you KNOW it must have been a horrible relationship, if people would rather break up than stay together during the middle of winter.
a breakup during the winter is a recipe for a cold ass and an empty bed, however a breakup during the spring is just par for the course. spring is the season for breakups. its time to start shedding that winter fat (including that louse of a significant other) and get ready for summer. gyms begin to fill up and you might even see the occasional brave soul running on the path - its spring time.
as spring crests into summer, we emerge single, fit, and wearing no clothes. we might be blindingly white, but its practically summertime - its time to mix, mingle and do it all again.
on that note, i'm headin' down to the beach. god i love chicago.
** chicago may be called the windy city because of our politicians, but there is no denying the fact that our city is indeed VERY windy. nothing is funnier (or 'meaner') than sitting in a cab (snug as a bug in a rug) and watching people on the street get blown into lamp posts and street signs.
*** as we bid adieu to january and round the corner into february, i cant help but reflect on this particular post. i dont regret not grabbing hold of someone sooner, but i certainly feel like the pickings are SLIM in the midst of our winter wonderland. ha!