st. elsewhere

woman may not understand what this means, but most guys probably get the gist -
of course dating is never as straight forward as the above mentioned contest; in fact showing a women how ‘big’ you really are can be accomplished in a myriad of ways, which is WHY dating is so complicated - no two woman can agree on the criteria, no two woman will admit what they secretly want.
but its hard to refute that dating fundamentally boils down to (in women’s terms) a man’s ability to ‘wow’ his date.
if we (as men) can figure out what ‘wows’ a woman, we are in like flynn.
if we cant… we are out like a trout. ha!
obviously every women is different – thus the criteria for success is always a moving target.
anything is up for review: a man’s height, weight, looks, car, money, job, ethnicity, religion, personality, girth, attitude, build, eyes, hair… the list can go on and on (im not a women, so even EYE don’t know what the heck is on that list… ha!).
some of these criteria are verifiable immediately (profile pic!!!), while others can only be unearthed over time.
some of these criteria are ‘nice-to-haves’ while others are absolute dealbreakers.
and SOME of these criteria are completely ethereal and are just a ‘feeling’.
and unfortunately those criteria are usually the most important.
everyone’s got their fair share of dealbreakers – some of them are completely logical (i wont date someone who’s been to jail), while some of the others are completely superfluous (i wont date someone who’s been to new orleans) and yet still valid.
for better or worse, i have a long list of deal breakers.
and has only added fuel to this fire, by providing all the information that i need to make an ‘informed’ decision about someone (even tho im fairly certain that every girl in
but of course the swords slices bread both ways.
and as i peruse my ‘matches’ it often makes me wonder what OTHER people’s dealbreakers are.
what is it about me (my wink, my email, my profile, my photograph) that causes some people to think, ‘nope, not for me’.
don’t get me wrong, this isnt a sad thought.
im not hurt or frustrated by someone who isnt interested in me - because i can be just as picky, and just as judgmental the next person.
and ultimately isn’t that what we all want?
don’t we want someone who is just as picky and just as judgmental, but yet (for some reason) we still chose them and they still chose us?
im taking a ‘match’ out for dinner on saturday night.
our connection surprisingly progressed much along the lines of how was designed to work: i looked at her profile a couple of times and then winked at her, she looked at my profile and winked back, i wrote her an email, she wrote me an email, i disappeared for a couple of weeks, then i replied to her email and gave her my number, she replied and gave me her number, finally i called her flinging flanging number and got a flinging flanging date out of it.
i like to claim that i don’t want to meet a girl in a bar because it will be an awkward explanation for our future kids. it would probably go something like this: ‘i was pounding beers when i saw your mom from across the crowded bar, and from the way she slammed those tequila shots, i just KNEW that she was the one. later that night as she projectile painted the ladies bathroom floor, i fell in love…’
its strange to think that THAT sounds more acceptable than talking about how we traded winks and scoped out each others profile via the interweb.
but we’ve made it this far.
and that has to say something – we know alot more about each other than most people on first dates do.
we know what each other looks like*. we know how tall each of us is (a surprisingly important requirement for women searching for men). and we know what each person likes to do for ‘fun’.
im not super excited for this date, but i cant decide if that’s because has sucked the intrique out of this, OR if its because im not vibing this girl. i hopes its the former, not the latter.
ive decided that profiles, winks, emails, and phone calls don’t count when getting to know someone.
so it still comes down to that very first meeting.
saturday is THE night - will i impress her with how 'big' i am? will she hit one of my dealbreakers?
no matter what happens, at the end of the night we will either know or we wont.
so be it.
* this reminds me of something that i commented to another blogger - 'appearance is the marijuana (i.e. gateway drug) of relationships. its the introduction, but never the addiction. its why we meet other people, but never the reason we continue talking. in the end, i want a relationship that is based on crack or speed, not pot. i want someone who likes my looks, but craves my personality. dont you?' - hooizz
'you can never really know another person, except by your first glance at him. because in that glance we know everything. even though we're not always wise enough to unravel the knowledge' -ayn rand