have fun, stay single.
you should already know this. but if you’re new (or you don’t), let me just throw that out there for you.
waiting isn’t really an accurate description of what im doing – it implies too much passivity.
i don’t consider myself passive. i don’t consider myself complacent. i don’t like waiting for things to ‘happen’ to me.
im not waiting for godot.
im not waiting for fate to swoop in and ‘fix me up’ with the women of my dreams.
that might be how it will ‘work’, but im not waiting for it.
im not waiting for it. im searching for it.
im searching for the ‘one’…
and like many of you, ive had my fair share of relationships.
so-close-looks-good-on-paper-right-person-wrong-time kinda relationships
and ive folded on every one of them, like ben affleck in celebrity poker.
if it smells wrong, looks wrong, and sounds wrong, im not going to pretend that its right.
maybe itll be right later, but as of right now, it just aint right.
two rights don’t make a left
and so it goes.
and ive never given it much thought. ive never regretted my decisions. ive never looked back on someone with the ‘oh… maybe she WAS the ‘one’… maybe i just blew the best thing to happen to me’ mentality.
you cant think like that.
you cant torture yourself with shit like that.
you just gotta keep your head down and put one foot in front of the other.
there will always be someone better.
i know my value. i know my worth. i AM a good catch.
im not trying to bolster my ego. im not blowing smoke up my (own) ass. im not trying to make myself out to be better than i am. im not fishing for compliments. (ha! HT).
im merely stating that i KNOW that someone GREAT is still out there for me.
at least i did, until my friend stabbed me through a chink in my armor. it was a glancing blow. it was a flesh wound. it drew a little blood.
but it got my attention.
she was commenting on a picture. a picture of an old friend of mine. a picture of an old girlfriend of mine. and she did as girls will do. she did a side-by-side comparison (of my friend) with herself. just a quick one. but a comparison nonetheless.
and so she says to me, ‘wow. she’s really pretty. hell, she’s beautiful.’
this is stating the obvious. i haven’t seen my ex in YEARS, but she certainly looks as foxy as she did when we were dating.
hell, she looks better than when we were dating.
of course my friend has to ask the inevitable question, ‘what the hell was girl like this doing with a louse like you?’ har har
sure, kick a man when he’s down.
but then my friend says, ‘(KICK) ya know, you’ve dated a lot of (KICK) really great looking girls… (KICK) whats your problem? (KICK) ya know (KICK) you only get to date SO many great looking girls…. once you’ve dated your quota…that’s (KICK) it. (KICK) its (KICK) all (KICK) down (KICK) hill (KICK) after (KICK) that (KICK) (KICK) (KICK) (KICK) (KICK) (KICK)’
my groin feels like mike tysons punching bag. (kicking bag for that matter)
im not worried.
but i am slightly worried.
and it has nothing to do with my quota of good looking girls. but it has everything to do with my quota of good looking girls. because its not JUST about looks. don’t get me wrong, its ABOUT looks. but its also about everything else too. because over the years, ive passed on relationships for a myriad of reasons (including looks). not good looking enough. good looking enough, but not smart enough. good looking and smart enough, but too complacent. good looking and smart enough, but too argumentative. good looking, smart, and even tempered, but socially introverted.
yada yada yada you get the picture.
attractiveness is CERTAINLY an important characteristic. but its also one characteristic as a part of a whole package. and the idea of ‘exceeding’ the quota for dating attractive girls is unacceptable. because it would be the same as ‘exceeding’ the quota for dating intelligent girls. or passionate girls. or trustworthy girls.
one for all and all for one.
being denied any ONE of the characteristics that i find attractive in someone, would basically suggest that i am settling for less than i believe i deserve. realistically there are varying shades of these characteristics – BUT i do expect the right person (for me) to embody all of them (in their varying shades of intensity).
i don’t know if there is a quota. i don’t know if there is NOT a quota.
in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
in the end, the quota serves as a healthy reminder – don’t take things for granted. the perfect woman is out there for me, but that doesn’t mean that she is perfect. because none of us are.
david: tonight i'll be the super me.
steve: what if the super you meets the super her and the super her rejects the super you?
david: then it's no problem.
steve uh-huh. why?
david: because it was never you, it was just an act.
Gah! I hate having to read over there and post over here. I feel like the bad child who was sent out of the room but who keeps yelling from her room how she's been wronged.
I'm glad you've mentioned "the list." I laugh at people who have this "list of everything my man/woman will have." I laugh because you try to fit your little woman into a box and then she's going to be all bent out of shape by the time you realize that she doesn't fit but you still want her anyway.
However, I have to say that I was also very relieved to see that you're expecting her to be the opposite (or at least different) that what you are really believing that you want. I always have told my list-manic friends that God has a sense of humour, too, and He is just as likely to bring you someone who will surprise you when you realize they are the one you're meant for. I'm just waiting to be surprised by what I finally get because I know that, if I do end up with someone, it's not going to be anyone that is anything like what I'm expecting.
Now, what am I expecting? I don't even really know. I threw out any semblance of a list a loooonnnggg time ago, about the time I started making fun of people for having one. Intelligence does not equal education, although some people think it does. I don't need a Harvard law professor (as some of my friends have joked when they are talking about hooking me up with someone). I need someone I can talk to.
So, you say you will know when you want to spend your life with her. This realization...does it come as a smack in the head in the middle of the night or does it slowly grow on you that, hey, yeah, this will work. *cheesy, lovesick grin*? I was asked last night what I want.
"jess, admit it. Don't you want the fairy tale?"
Do I want a fairy tale? Do I? Hmmmm...No. I told her, "You want to know what I want? It's so simple, it's sad. I want to find a guy I can tell anything to. I want to be his friend and not have any inclinations anything is brewing. I just want it to...grow quietly and slowly and without our noticing. Then, I just kinda want it to be figured out together. 'Hey, I think I love you.' 'Whoa. Me, too.' *great joy abounds* (well, you know...) I want him to be my best friend. I want him to want me for me and not care that I'm too independent. I want to become less independent because I want him around a lot more. Not always, just more. I don't want a prince. I just want a partner who can support me when I need it and ask for it in return. That's what I want."
Maybe that is a fairy tale. I don't know. I am fiercely independent, but I know that this will change a bit when I am faced with wanting to actually marry someone. All my arguments and all of my little thought-twisters that have allowed me to get out pretty unscathed so far won't work. I won't be able to deny it. *shrugs*
There are some song lyrics that sort of capture this for me:
Bruta, ciega, sordomuda,
torpe, traste, testaruda:
es todo lo que he sido
por ti me he convertidoRough, blind, deaf and dumb
Clumsy, ruined, stubborn
I've been all of these things
but have changed myself for you.
When that happens...when I'm willing to lose some of this wenchiness I carry around because I'm letting someone in? Maybe something more is in the works...
Anonymous, at 12/07/2004 9:34 PM
Stumbled on to your site, and must say I'm totally enjoying this running dialogue. Especially that last bit -- sounded like a scene from a movie.
Never settle is what I say. Keep your chin up, or you will totally regret folding early.
Still trying to work out what the elf picture has to do with the price of tea in china, but loving it none the less
Anonymous, at 12/07/2004 10:23 PM
jess i hope this comment finds you (or you find it) - it appears youve shut off comments again... so i SUPPOSE you deserve to be relegated to the kiddy table (i.e. blogger). ha!
but seriously i always appreciate your feedback, and i wish you could comment directly on my xanga site - as much for me as for everyone else who reads me and would like to read what you have to say as well. think about signing up for a temp membership or something.
good on you for taking the piss out of anyone who takes the 'list' seriously. i DO think its important that we all have one - because it gives us a better idea of who we want. but i only use it as a loosely defined tool rather than the bible of dating.
god definately has a sense of humor.
hahah its funny that you think i already how ill 'know' that someone is the 'one' - yeah i know thats what i wrote, but thats just me being an ass and postulating BS. in otherwords i was guessing. i dont know how ill know. in fact my first (or second) blog post was about 'knowing' (or for that matter, not 'knowing').
as for your best friend scenario - i think that its fairly common for people to want to be friends first. i think its fairly common for people to even want that 'oh shit i like you too' moment. but from my experience this doesnt always work out the way we would hope. youve been there before (im sure). as have i. im the fucking mayor of friendsville. and im not bitter about it. im there by choice! i (think) that there are more girls who would be interested in broaching the friend-boyfriend line with me, than there are girls that i would want to. hell! if i wanted to, we would probably be dating (at least if they were interested too - i wont pretend that im some stud that everyone is clamoring for). ive deliberately put girls into the friendzone; unfortunately its hard to get them out. once they're in, its hard to develop/see anything more than a friend. if theres no spark, why wreck the friendship?
take care, and keep commenting. i dig the dialogue!
hooizz, at 12/09/2004 5:32 PM
hiya sophie! glad you could stop by. not sure if you noticed, but most of the 'discussion' ends up on my main site (www.xanga.com/hooizz). feel free to stop by and jump in on the discussion.
the last bit IS actually from a movie - 'singles'. fantastic twentysomething film set in the 90's grunge era. its the quintessential grunge/flannel movie. check it out!
hooizz, at 12/09/2004 5:37 PM
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