the posterboy (a cheatin' repost from the past)
i like to think of myself as a hopelessly romantic realist. my ex-girlfriends may try to disagree with this fact, (my pragmatism begets conservativism begets pessimism begets realism) BUT i will respectfully disagree. afterall how can you tell me that im not a hopeless romantic? how can you say that, when i believe in kitschy shit like true love, soul mates, the one, the perfect girl for me etc etc. i should be the posterboy of romantics everywhere!
unfortunately this posterboy is also an oxymoron. afterall, how can i be logical, methodical, and realistic in both action and thought, and yet feel so strongly about something that ive never seen nor touched, nor experienced. now before you get confused, i want to clarify that im not talking about love; i have loved and been in-love before. love is a giddy high that you never want to come down from... but if youve been paying attention to my posts, obviously im not nearly as giddy as i used to be.
whats amazing about believing in all that "stuff", is that we continue to do so, even after failed relationship after failed relationship after failed relationship. i dont (just like most of you) consider all of my relationships failures. some were ideally suited for the moment, fulfilling a need, an itch, an urge, a void. on that basis, its hard to say that they were failures. but to put it quite simply, they didnt go the distance (and maybe they werent supposed to). its sad to say, but every relationship that we've committed to will eventually fail. there is just one exception, and that happens only as your very last relationship (if it even happens). woah! thats alot of pressure to throw out there. but its the truth. my past relationships... all came to the end. i expect that my most of my future relationships will come to an end too. all except one (hopefully).
i wonder what Pavlov would have to say about our kamikaze dating behavior? it makes me think of fraternity hazing, "SMACK!!! thank you sir, may i have another". it makes me think of going an unknown number of rounds in the ring with a cross between mike tyson and muhammad ali. people who believe in the one are the energizer bunnies of relationships. we keep on going, and going, and going, and going.
why do we do it? where did this idea come from? how did we get this way? i guess more importanly how did i get this way? in case you REALLY havent been paying attention, im a guy. im not supposed to care about relationships and soul mates. shouldnt i be more concerned with t & a?
those are all great questions, but unfortunatley this is only my third post and i dont think we've made enough progress to unravel all of these thoughts. for now, im going to keep my nose clean and keep my eyes peeled... because ya never know
Okay, I'm on Blogger, so I followed your link over here to comment on love. *cue the spontaneously falling flowers and hearts from the sky* This is also known as the last thing you posted on your xanga site.
You think a year and a half is bad? Seriously? have a longer attention span than most guys, let me tell you. I have been militantly anti-dating since a verrrryyy long and verrrryyy bad relationship that ended about five years ago. I've just come to the conclusion that, hey, this might not be so bad after all. Well, if a girl could just find a guy worth her time. *chuckles*
Anyway, the whole thing with losing interest is not uncommon. I mean, heck, if you aren't meant to be with someone, do you really want to spend five years to figure that out? Or, would you rather it be over in, oh, a year so you can move on? And, if you're like me, you know the relationship is over before you do anything about it anyway, so it technically was probably done six months beforehand.
In case you haven't been paying attention, I'm a GIRL, and I've been anti-romance, pickup lines, and whispering voices in the night for quite some time. My friends find this odd because, hey, I'm a girl. I'm supposed to want to find a man! Right? Hmmmmm...but, in a strange sense, perhaps as strange as yours, I'm a romantic, too. I believe that if there is someone out there for me, I'll find him. I may try to chase him off before he convinces me that I should end up with him, but if it is meant to be? He won't run too far away too quickly. ;)
Anyway, thanks for your comments about my blog on BE. I've enabled comments if you'd like to start a discussion on want vs. need. Check the archives for past posts on being single because lately...there've been quite a few. lol
Anonymous, at 11/17/2004 4:11 PM
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