im with stupid.

not only am i oblivious, but im stupid too.
apparently languid isnt the ONLY one suffering from pms... (ha!)
but im getting ahead of myself...
several times this week i asked the girl who is hiding her relationship from me (i.e. my 'friend') if she had any plans for friday night.
i expected that she would - not a completely out control assumption considering that she's just beginning a new relationship.
much to my surprise, she had no plans (which is kinda sad).
so i waited to see if plans would materialize.
eventually i decided to broach the subject of the two of us potentially hanging out. she was less than enthused (obviously she was hoping for hotter friday night plans), BUT at least seemed open to the idea.
so i started having second doubts - is this REALLY how i want to spend my friday night? i may not be interested in anyone right now, but i CERTAINLY could be trying a little bit harder to find somebody... anybody. hell i should start looking for a new friend!
but once again i digress...
a day passes.
so i called up the girl who is hiding her relationship from me this afternoon and asked her what she was in the mood for. she said a movie sounded good, but was up for whatever. i confessed that i was torn between going to a movie, getting completely hammered, hitting a patio bar etc. etc. (not necessarily in that order)
in other words i was having second thoughts, and i couldnt decide what i wanted to do.
which brightened up her side of the conversation immediately, because according to her, 'someone' had mentioned hanging out on a patio bar tonight. (with a vast majority of mutual friends, her playing the pronoun game is what gave this whole farce away in the first place).
''someone' eh?'
i deliberately chose not to make her elaborate.
i told her that i was going for a run, but that it was upto her to make a decision about what we would do.
because of course we ALL know what she wants to do on a friday night.
and who can blame her? its FRIDAY fucking night.
but having said that, what really riles me about this is that she STILL refuses to have this discussion with me. she still refuses to admit that A) anything is going on B) that she's deliberately avoided telling me about it .
eh?!? two can play at this game.
six miles later, i come back and find out that we're going to a movie.
which (personally) i was quite surprised about.
until i realized that she mentioned a 'we', which FORCED me to ask who else would be going.
'oh, a couple of randoms doods... and of course him.'***
hmmm didn't see that one coming.
thanks, but i think ill politely bow out of this charade.
to which her response was' oh, i feel bad. i told you we were going to hang out, and now we're not.'
love it love it love it. ha!
*** i have to admit, i would have considered going if there was even a remote chance that someone cool would be there to meet. but the idea of me, her, him, and some guys REALLY didn't strike me as an optimal friday night experience.
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