the search for 'neo'...


me, you, and a bottle of absinthe

the trouble with me is that i never appreciate what i have � even when im having it. this holds true for many things in my life, but has become an especially salient point ever since i realized that i cant remember having sex with someone� even while im having sex with them.

which sounds bad, but its not as bad as you think (or maybe it is).

now before you jump to conclusions, i want to clearly state that this has nothing to do with my good friends bombay and tonic (although they do like to crash the occasional party).

and this ALSO has nothing to do with the actual people that ive slept with. because none of them have been the type that id WANT to forget.

nope its something else (and im not talking about roofies). ha!

it�s the oddest thing - when im in the middle of everything� im in the middle of everything.

but afterwards, when i look back on a particularly active evening, i sometimes feel like a disembodied third party thinking about two strangers gettin �christina aguilera� (i.e. diiiiirty) with each other.

on one hand im high fivin� and doin my touchdown dance, and then on the other hand im wondering who the hell is fucking in my bed.

but it gets worse!

like most men, after a marathon of mind blowing physicality, i generally fall into a post coital slumber. which (apparently) is the equivalent of drinking a bottle of absinthe � a complete mind eraser.

when i wake up, i know that ive slept with someone (and who that someone is) but generally im a little foggy about the details. in fact part of me wants to question whether anything has happened at all.

its not meant to be personal. its not meant to be an affront. its just something that happens. its almost as if im shocked by the fact that somebody not only wants to, but actually has slept with me. ha!

which is perplexing and sometimes very annoying � this past weekend i found myself lamenting my �cold streak�, only to realize that A) im not on a cold streak and B) the person listening to my �sorrows� is one of the people that ive slept with.

as my good friend aaron karo likes to say, 'fuck me!'


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